The pandemic brought blessings as well as challenges! I never thought I would say that, but it’s true. Sometimes being limited in what we are able to do makes what we can do more important and more forceful.
Thanks to an Artists Initiative Grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, I was able to develop my artistic practice and grow in my ability to work with communities looking to express hope for healing and justice. The grant helped me develop this website and a home studio. It also enabled me to work with two wonderful area artists over the past two years:
Lori Greene (
Sandy Spieler
What a joy it was to work with them! The photo you see is one of the “assignments” they gave me: to create a self-portrait. Patrick and I have called her “Mona Luisa.” It’s the first time I’ve done a mosaic portrait and I look forward to doing more.
As we move out of the pandemic—we hope!—may we all find ways to bring beauty and healing to our world.
Luisa Cabello Hansel is a fiscal year 2020 recipient of an Artist Initiative Grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.