A Poem for Fall
DYING BACK I run the red and green push mower over the back yard one more time; less to cut what little grass remains than to chop the weed tree leaves browning up on the Creeping Charlie and crabgrass. Tonight, we will cover the tomatoes and peppers in a quixotic hope of squeezing a few […]
A lawyer, a pastor and a saxophone player walked into…a cemetery?

A lawyer, a pastor and a saxophone player walked into…a cemetery? What’s the punch line? You’ll have to come to “QUITTING TIME at a Place of Endless Time”, September 18 at 4 pm at the historic Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery, East Lake Street and Cedar Ave in Minneapolis. Patrick’s 2nd book of poetry “Quitting Time” […]
Spring is Coming!

The past few days have been a turning of the season. After almost 10 days of below zero weather in Minnesota, we’ve seen bright sun, highs nearing 40 and the return of many birds. We are planning some open-air events in the spring (dates TBA), that will include an outdoor reading of Patrick’s book “Quitting […]